Papua New Guinea coffee

A Taste of the Pacific.

From Jungle to Sip

Papua New Guinea is an island state off the coast of northeastern Australia, covering half the island of New Guinea with Papua and West Papua. It is not a large coffee producer compared to other coffee regions around the world (it rankes around 17th), but roughly one-third of the country’s economy relates to coffee production.

The rain forest climate provides shade to the coffee shrubs growing in altitudes ranging from 4,500 ft to 6,500 ft above sea level. Papua New Guinea coffee tends to produce delicate sweet flavors of nuts, toffee, spices, cocoa, chocolate, and caramel and a finely balanced acidity. Farms tend to use washed processing and experiment with exceptional varieties including Blue Mountain, Catimor, Caturra, Mundo Novo, and Arusha.

PNG coffee production faces many obstacles to larger scale productions, including logistical difficulties in transporting coffee from jungles to airports, unpredictable rain and earth quakes. However, when PNG coffee arrives to the world, it consistently produces a high quality, top grade coffee with complex, sweet, and fruity flavors, notes of berry, chocolate, and nut. It has a medium to full body, with a pleasant, balanced acidity that adds liveliness to each sip.