Frequently asked questions.

Why don’t you have more Coffee Bean Variety?

Literally thousands of coffee varieties hit the market from every coffee region in the world, each with its own bean varietal (and blends), region and lot. Importers often blend different lots, farms or processing stations from a single region for even more variety. We don’t aspire to be the Amazon or Walmart of coffee roasting, offering every possible option for sale. Instead, we cup hundreds of coffees each season from quality importers and farmers we personally know and offer what we absolutely love. It’s the coffee we drink in our own shop, the coffee we offer to our friends and the coffee we donate to our schools. We never offer coffee (or use it in our blends) because it’s cheap or because we’re trying to push left over coffee from our suppliers.

how fresh are your coffees?

We roast at least once a week. We’re so proud of our coffee freshness we’ll label each order with a roast date. Anything more than a week we won’t ship. Keep in mind that coffee needs to rest after it’s roasted, at least 3-5 days in our opinion. Well sealed coffee can last months. All of our packaging is air tight, heat sealed with one-way gas valves to ensure maximum freshness. Order 5 lbs or more of a single origin bean and we’ll roast it just for you!

How long does Roasted Coffee Stay Fresh?

Once air tight bag is opened, we think freshness peaks around a month later, but keep in mind people have different habits. Some don’t seal the bag after every use. Others don’t keep their bags at room temperature. You’re nose will tell you. Once coffee begins o lose that freshly roasted aroma, it’s time to finish the bag and re-order.

How did you come up with your Blend recipes?

Lots and lots of roasting and coffee cupping! We’re proud of our recipes and we even disclose them—something other roasters won’t do because they constantly change them depending on excess inventory or coffees they want to unload. If you have any input or ideas for a blend, we’re willing to try it! Shoot us a note by email.

Seriously? Another Coffee Roaster?

We got into this business we love coffee, plain and simple We don’t want to be “yet another coffee roaster” trying to make a buck on good margins—we just want to offer coffee we love, experiment with new flavors and roast the best coffee the world has to offer. The coffee world has exploded over the past few decades with more refined palettes, advanced growing techniques, and better equipment. We aim to bring all that to you as we enjoy them all ourselves!

Why don’t you offer to Grind Coffees?

We can. Just drop us an email with your order number after you place your order. We don’t do it routinely because our coffees are so fresh they continue to develop in bean form after we roast them and grinding changes that process. Our Turkish coffee blend is the exception because we finely grind it with our blend of spices and we allow for full development before we grind the coffee. Yum!

K Cups from a Specialty Coffee Roaster? Really?

Keurig machines and pods have long been associated with over-roasted, cheap, “bulk” coffee, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Keurig pods are just another method of extraxtion coffee. While Keurig brews do not have the long immersions of drip or French press, nor do they have the high pressure of espresso, there is still water, pressure and coffee to extract coffee flavor. We think we’ve found the right grind size with the right pod technology to reproduce the flavor, aroma and deliciousness of speciality coffee, even at lighter roasts. Try it for yourself!