Freshest Brews and Roasted Views…

So how fresh does a coffee roast have to be to enjoy peak flavor and aromas? Purists will debate that. Most agree that coffee is not ready for brewing within 24 hours after roasting. We’ve done it. And the world didn’t end, but we tend to agree there’s a lot more development that goes on post roast as the bean continues to release gases from the roast. That’s why we use one-way gas valve for all coffee bags we ship, to allow the freshly roasted coffee to continue releasing gasses post roast for peak freshness by the time you get it and brew.

How fresh, then? We think coffees continue to develop many days after their roast. In fact, we think it gets best a week or two after the roast if kept dry and at room temperature. Like sealed in our sealable bags. Crazy talk? Not at all. Try it for yourself. You’ll notice we put the roast date on our bags, so smell and savor a week or two after and you’ll find the roast and bean aromas are all still there developing. Tell us what you think!


Tasting Notes are Bogus


Yes, you can add Cream and Sugar